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Multilayer PCBs in PCB Assembly field

Hits:1  Add Date:2017/9/19

     In the beginning I want to say that then you are designing multilayer PCB there are a lot of issues that can’t be described in one article. In this first article I want to tell you a little bit about a stuck up designing and calculating as a base of every multilayer PCB. Multilayer PCB?It is not a problem to make a 4 or 6 layer multilayer PCB 1.6 mm thick, because you can use various type of cores. In the 1.6mm multilayer PCB you have a lot of space even for 8 layers.

   The problems begin if you need to place a 14 or even 16 layers into a 1.6mm multilayer PCB?with impedance controlled high-speed signals.?The problem is that we need to use a very thin prepregs and not every manufacturer has them or can use them. When you need to make this type of multilayer PCB you always need to discuss your stuck?up with your manufacturer, multilayer PCB?because you can make a design that can’t be produced or will be way too expansive for your customer. In the conclusion I want to give you a couple of advice that may help you in your work:

   Before start calculating stuck up look at the powers of your manufacturer, what materials he has.
   If you don’t has a specified manufacturer look at a couple average manufacturers, but not the most powerful, because it will probably be more expansive.
    When you calculated your stuck up always send it to a manufacturer to check if they can produce it.

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