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How to Clean PCBA?

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How to Clean PCBA?

After completing the PCBA manufacturing process, it is common to observe residues on the surface, which not only affect aesthetics but also impact the quality of the PCBA. Therefore, cleaning PCBA is crucial. Below are methods for manual and automated cleaning:

Manual cleaning

Generally, PCBA processing manufacturer will use manual cleaning methods. The cost of cleaning is low and relatively cost-effective. The main tools for manual cleaning include: cleaning tank, spray can, brush, IPA or VIGON EFM, gloves, deionized water, wipe paper, air gun, and sealed bag.

Manual cleaning steps:
1. Clean the circuit board in IPA or VIGON EFM, or spray IPA and EFM on the surface of the circuit board, using about 10 ml per 4 square inches.
2. Use a moist, soft, short-bristled brush to wipe the circuit board continuously for about 10 seconds.
3. Use deionized water for rinsing, about 10 ml per 4 square inches. Effectively removes potential contaminant residues.
4. Hold the edge of the circuit board and wipe off excess deionized water with a clean lint-free cloth.
5. Conduct a visual inspection of the cleanliness of the circuit board.

6. If necessary, use an air gun to dry the circuit board.                                                                                                                    7. If the circuit board or components need to be stored for a period of time before coating, please put the circuit board or components into a sealed bag containing desiccant.

 Automated cleaning
The automated cleaning process is divided into three methods: water cleaning, semi-water cleaning and solvent cleaning.
The tools and materials for automated cleaning mainly include: water cleaning machine, deionized water system, conductivity tester, beaker, and deionized water.

Automated cleaning operation steps:
1. Preparation of deionized water: Use electrodialysis device and ion exchange resin tank to prepare deionized water.
2. Conductivity test: Use a conductivity tester to test the conductivity of the water after electrodialysis and ion exchange resin tank. If both meet the requirements, it can be used for water cleaning.
3. Introduce the water cleaning machine: Introduce the deionized water in the water storage tank into the water cleaning machine.
4. Set the cleaning machine parameters: the washing chamber and rinsing chamber are set to 60±10℃; the drying room is set to 60℃~90℃.
5. Set the chain speed: Generally, the chain speed is controlled at 50~150cm/min.
6. After PCBA cleaning is completed, take it out from the cleaning machine and store it in an anti-static turnover container. The anti-static turnover container is required to be clean of dust to avoid secondary contamination of the cleaned PCBA.
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