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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > Introduction to PCBA Cleaning Processes    

Introduction to PCBA Cleaning Processes

Hits:1  Add Date:2024/7/19
1.Fully Automated In-line Cleaning Machine
A fully automated in-line cleaning machine is designed for thorough and effective cleaning of organic and inorganic contaminants such as rosin flux, water-soluble flux, no-clean flux/solder paste residues on the surface of SMT/THT PCBA after soldering. It is suitable for high-volume PCBA cleaning, utilizing safe, automated cleaning equipment placed in the assembly line. The machine completes all processes in different chambers online, including chemical cleaning (or aqueous cleaning), aqueous rinsing, and drying.
During the cleaning process, PCBAs are transported through different solvent cleaning chambers by a conveyor. The cleaning fluid must be compatible with components, PCB surfaces, metal coatings, aluminum coatings, labels, and markings. Special components need to be considered for their resistance to cleaning.
The cleaning process flow is: Board Entry, Chemical Pre-wash, Chemical Cleaning, Chemical Isolation, Pre-rinsing, Rinsing, Spraying, Air Knife Drying, Drying

2.Semi-automated Off-line Cleaning Machine
A semi-automated off-line cleaning machine is designed for thorough and effective cleaning of organic and inorganic contaminants such as rosin flux, water-soluble flux, no-clean flux/solder paste residues on the surface of SMT/THT PCBA after soldering. It is suitable for small-batch, multi-variety PCBA cleaning. The machine can be placed anywhere in the production line and completes all processes offline in one chamber, including chemical cleaning (or aqueous cleaning), aqueous rinsing, and drying.
During the cleaning process, PCBAs typically need to be fixed in jigs or placed in baskets. The cleaning fluid must be compatible with components, PCB surfaces, metal coatings, aluminum coatings, labels, and markings. Special components need to be considered for their resistance to cleaning.
The placement density and angle of PCBAs in the cleaning basket have specific requirements, as these factors directly affect the cleaning outcome.

3.Manual Cleaning Machine
A manual cleaning machine (also known as a constant temperature cleaning tank) is designed for thorough and effective cleaning of organic and inorganic contaminants such as rosin flux, water-soluble flux, rosin flux, no-clean flux/solder paste residues on the surface of SMT/THT PCBA after soldering. It is suitable for small-batch sample PCBA cleaning. Utilizing temperature control, it adapts to the MPC microphase cleaning agent manual cleaning process, completing chemical cleaning in a constant temperature tank.
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