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Tips for cleaning PCB boards

Hits:1  Add Date:2023/3/24

PCB circuit boardsare used more often in the country, and contaminants are generated during themanufacturing process of printed circuit boards, including contaminants such asdust and debris from the manufacturing process such as solder and adhesiveresidues. If the pcb board can not effectively ensure a clean surface, theresistance and leakage will lead to the failure of the pcb board, thusaffecting the life of the product. Therefore, cleaning the pcb board is animportant step in the manufacturing process.


 Semi-watercleaning mainly uses organic solvents and deionized water, plus a certainamount of active agents, additives composed of cleaning agents. This cleaningbetween solvent cleaning and water cleaning. These cleaners are organicsolvents, flammable solvents, high flash point, low toxicity, safe to use, butmust be rinsed with water and then dried.


  Waterpurification technology is the future direction of development of cleaningtechnology, the establishment of pure water sources and discharge watertreatment plant is necessary. Water as the cleaning medium, adding surfactants,additives, corrosion inhibitors and chelating agents in water to form a seriesof water-based cleaning agents. Can remove water solvents and non-polarcontaminants.


  Usedin the soldering process without clean flux or without clean solder paste,solder directly into the next process cleaning, no longer free cleaningtechnology is currently the most commonly used as an alternative technology,especially for mobile communication products is basically a one-time use methodto replace ODS. solvent cleaning is mainly used for solvent dissolution toremove contaminants. Solvent cleaning due to its fast evaporation, solubilityand other characteristics, requiring simple equipment.


  Theabove four cleaning techniques can achieve a certain cleaning effect, but howto quickly and effectively clean the pcb board? The application of ultrasoniccleaning machine can be solved. It uses ultra-high frequency in the liquidmedium into the role of kinetic energy, cavitation effect, the formation ofcountless countless tiny bubbles, and then hit the surface of the object, sothat the surface dirt off, so as to achieve the effect of cleaning. Because itis through the liquid, as long as the liquid can touch the surface of thesurface can be cleaned in place, leaving no dead ends.


  It canwork on every surface of multiple objects at the same time. It is veryeffective and fast and can be cleaned in about 15 minutes. An advantage ofusing ultrasonic cleaning is that it can effectively restore, improve theability of pads and components, and reduce electromagnetic interference.

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