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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > What are the characteristics of glass fibre circuit boards?    

What are the characteristics of glass fibre circuit boards?

Hits:1  Add Date:2023/3/17

What are thecharacteristics of glass fibre circuit boards?

Glass fibrecircuit boards can be found in SMT factories, so what are theircharacteristics? Due to their special qualities, glass fibre boards are oftenused in certain applications.


Glass fibre isnaturally able to withstand moisture in SMT production. In addition, glassfibre circuit boards do not absorb moisture. This makes it ideal for use insituations where moisture is present. The PCB can be adapted to all situationsin which it is found.


SMT processingkeeps the dimensions of the glass fibre PCB constant in response to a specifictemperature. the PCB has a very high dimensional stability. This makes itsuitable for high-power applications. In addition, the board has a lowcoefficient of linear expansion. It is therefore less susceptible to anychanges in temperature and humidity.


Anotheroutstanding quality of glass fibre boards is their chemical resistance. Mostchemicals have little effect on fibreglass boards. However, strong alkalinecompounds may damage the glass fibres.

Fire resistance

Glass fibreneither supports combustion nor burns. Furthermore, this inorganic substance isnaturally flammable. Therefore, it does not smoke when heated. Furthermore, at540 degrees Celsius, glass fibre still has approximately 25% of its fullstrength.


Glass fibre sheetsare very good for electrical insulation purposes. These sheets also have highstrength and a low Dk (dielectric constant). They are therefore ideally suitedto different high-end applications and uses.


For high powerapplications, glass fibre boards are the best choice because of their low CTEand thermal conductivity. In addition, due to its limited thermal conductivity,it can release heat quickly.


Boards made fromglass fibre by SMT processors have a high strength-to-weight ratio. They are thereforeconsidered to be an excellent choice for applications requiring high strength.

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