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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > These design preparations to ensure the quality of PCBA proofing    

These design preparations to ensure the quality of PCBA proofing

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These design preparations to ensure thequality of PCBA proofing

PCBA proofing is a proofing technique performed after PCB boarddesign, which usually requires certain design preparation, including materialselection, PCB design, PCB size, PCB thickness, PCB layer count, PCB boardmaterial, PCB surface treatment, etc. All these design preparations need totake into account the functional requirements of the PCB board, as well as thereliability requirements of the PCB board, to ensure the quality of the proofing.


PCBA prototyping process, need to go through the PCBA weldingprocess, generally use automatic welding machine for welding, this processneeds to take into account the PCB board pad shape, pad size, solder jointprocessing, etc., to ensure the quality of PCBA welding.


PCBA sampling process, PCBA circuit board needs to be tested toensure the connection performance of the PCB board and the functionalperformance of the circuit, generally using X-Ray detector, circuit detectorand other tools for testing.


PCBA prototyping process, PCBA encapsulation, generally usingplastic encapsulation, metal encapsulation, thermal encapsulation and otherways to encapsulate, this process needs to take into account the choice of PCBboard packaging materials, PCB board packaging size, PCB board packagingthickness, etc., to ensure the quality of packaging.


PCBA sampling process, the need for PCBA board testing to ensurethe functional reliability of the PCBA board, the general use of testers, testprocedures and other tools for testing to ensure the quality of PCBA sampling.


PCBA proofing process, PCBA packaging, generally use plasticbags, cartons, cartons and other materials for packaging, this process needs totake into account the packaging materials, packaging size, packaging thickness,etc., to ensure the quality of PCBA packaging.

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