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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > How to properly use SMT mounter equipment    

How to properly use SMT mounter equipment

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Howto properly use SMT mounter equipment

SMTplacement processing in the core of the equipment is SMT placement machine,automatic placement machine for high-speed, high-precision, fully automaticplacement components, is the entire SMT production process, the key, the mostcomplex equipment, placement machine is the main equipment on the SMTproduction line, placement machine from the early low-speed mechanical machinedeveloped into high-speed optical alignment placement machine, and developedinto a modular, flexible multi-functional connection.

SMTbonder as a high-tech product, safe and correct operation is very important forboth the machine and personnel. The most basic matter for the safe operation ofthe bonder is that the operator should have the most accurate judgment andshould follow the following basic safety rules.


Machineoperators should be trained to operate in the correct way; check the machine,replace parts or maintenance and internal adjustments should be turned off(machine maintenance must be carried out with the emergency button or powersupply pressed; "read coordinates" and the machine is in your handswhen adjusting is to stop the action at any time, to ensure that the " interlock"safety device to stop the machine at any time, the safety detection on themachine can’t be skipped, short-circuit, otherwise, it is easy to personal ormachine safety accidents; only one operator is allowed to operate a machine inthe production process. During operation, all parts of the body such as handsand head are outside the working range of the machine. The machine must beproperly grounded (not connected to a zero wire). Do not use the machine in anenvironment with gas bodies or in extremely dirty conditions.


Inaddition, it should be noted that the factory strictly prohibits untrainedpersonnel to operate on the machine; safety first, the machine operator shouldstrictly follow the operating specifications to operate the machine, otherwiseit will cause damage to the machine, the machine or endanger personal safety,the machine operator should be careful and attentive.

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