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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > One-handed hold PCB board will cause what harm to the circuit board    

One-handed hold PCB board will cause what harm to the circuit board

Hits:1  Add Date:2023/2/1

In thePCB assembly and soldering process, SMT chip processing manufacturers have manyemployees or customers involved in operations such as plug-in insertion, ICTtesting, PCB splitting, manual PCB soldering operations, screw installation,rivet installation, crimp connectors manually pressed, PCB cycling, etc. Themost common operation is to pick up the board by one person with one hand,which is the main cause of BGA and chip capacitor failure factors. So why doesthis lead to failure?

Thehazards of holding PCBs with one hand.


(1)one-handed PCB board, for which the size of small, light quality, no BGA, nochip capacitor circuit board is generally allowed; but for which the size oflarge, heavy quality, side layout BGA, chip capacitor circuit board, shouldabsolutely be avoided. Because such behavior is easy to cause BGA, chipcapacitor or even chip resistance of the solder joint failure. Therefore, inthe process documentation, the requirements of how to hold the board should beindicated.


Theeasiest part of holding a PCB with one hand is the circuit board cyclingprocess. Whether it is to remove the circuit board from the conveyor belt or toplace the board, most people unconsciously use the practice of holding the PCBwith one hand because it is the most convenient. When soldering by hand, attachthe heat sink and install the screws. To complete an operation, you willnaturally use one hand to operate the other work items on the board. Theseseemingly normal operations often hide significant quality risks.


(2)install screws, in many SMT chip processing factories, in order to save costs,omit the tooling. In the PCBA to install screws, often due to the back of thePCBA components height deformation, it is easy to make which is sensitive tothe stress of the solder joints pulled apart.


(3)Inserting through-hole components


Through-holecomponents, especially the lead thicker transformers, etc., often due to thelead position tolerance is relatively large, the advantage is difficult toaccurately insert the installation hole. The operator will not think of ways toeffect accurate, usually using hard pressure into the operation, which willcause the PCB board bending deformation, the same will lead to damage to thesurrounding chip capacitors, resistors, BGA.

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