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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > PCB multilayer circuit board is finally no longer a mystery    

PCB multilayer circuit board is finally no longer a mystery

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PCBmultilayer circuit board is finally no longer a mystery


  Multilayer circuit boards are multiple alignment layers, with adielectric layer between each two layers. The electrical connection betweenthem is usually achieved through the plated through-hole on the cross-sectionof the circuit board. Multilayer circuit boards are used the most, occupyingmore than 70% of the entire PCB board proofing. The following let me explainPCB multilayer circuit board for you in detail:.



  A, the advantages and disadvantages of multilayer circuit boards.


  1, advantages.


  (1) due to the high density of assembly, the reduction of theconnection between the components, thus improving reliability.


  (2) can increase the number of wiring layers, thereby increasing thedesign flexibility.


  (3) Can form a circuit with a certain impedance, and can also formhigh-speed transmission circuits;


  (4) Simple installation and high reliability.


  2. Disadvantages.


  High cost; long cycle time; need high reliability testing means.



  Second, multilayer circuit board and double-sided difference.


  1, multilayer pcb circuit board is a printed circuit board made ofalternating layers of conductive graphics and insulating materials laminatedand bonded. The number of layers of conductive graphics in more than threelayers, the electrical interconnection between the layers is achieved throughthe metalized holes.


  2, compared to both sides of the production process, multilayerboard increased the inner layer imaging, blackening, lamination, gravureetching and de-drilling stains and several other process steps.


  3, multilayer board in some process parameters, equipment precisionand complexity than the double-sided board more stringent requirements. Such asmultilayer board on the quality of the hole wall requirements than double-sidedboard to strict, so the drilling requirements are higher.


  4、The number of stacked boards per drilling,the drilling speed and feed of the drill bit are different from those ofdouble-sided boards.


  5、The inspection of finished andsemi-finished products of multilayer board is also more strict and complicatedthan double-sided board.


  6, multi-layer board due to the complexity of the structure, the useof uniform temperature glycerin hot melt process; and not using infrared hotmelt process that may lead to high local temperature rise.



  The above is the PCB multilayer circuit board for you to explain indetail the relevant knowledge, how much you master?


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