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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > Advantages and applications of PCB multilayer circuit boards    

Advantages and applications of PCB multilayer circuit boards

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Advantages and applications of PCB multilayer circuit boards

Multilayer circuit boardsare, as the name suggests, boards with more than two layers to be calledmultilayer, for example, four, six, eight and so on. Of course, some designswith three or five layers are also called multilayer PCBs.


The alignment diagram forboards larger than two layers, with insulating substrates separating thelayers, is printed on each layer, and then each layer is overlapped by pressingtogether. Afterwards, holes are drilled and the conductivity between each layeris achieved by passing the holes. The advantage of multi-layer PCBs is that thewiring can be spread over multiple layers, allowing for more sophisticateddesigns. Or smaller products can be realised with multilayer boards. Forexample: mobile phone circuit boards, micro projectors, audio recorders andother products of a smaller size. In addition multilayer can increase theflexibility of the design, you can better control the differential impedance aswell as single-ended impedance, as well as some signal frequency better output,etc..


Multilayer circuit boards arethe inevitable product of the development of electronic technology in the directionof high speed, multifunction, large capacity and small volume. With thecontinuous development of electronics technology, especially large-scale andultra-large-scale integrated circuits are widely used in depth, multi-layerprinted circuit is rapidly to high-density, high-precision, the development ofthe proposed line of micro-fine lines, small aperture penetration, blind holes,thick aperture ratio and other technologies to meet the needs of the market.Due to the computer and aerospace industry for high-speed circuit needs.Requirements to further improve the packaging density, coupled with thereduction in the size of the separation components and the rapid development ofmicroelectronics, electronic equipment is to reduce the volume, reduce the qualityof the direction of development; single, double-sided printed board due to thelimitations of the available space, has been impossible to achieve a furtherincrease in assembly density. It is therefore necessary to consider the use ofprinted circuits with more layers than double-sided boards. This has createdthe conditions for the emergence of multilayer circuit boards.

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