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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > What are the technical requirements for PCBA coating?    

What are the technical requirements for PCBA coating?

Hits:1  Add Date:2021/7/9

1. The protection of the conformalpaint must be tested, inspected and thoroughly cleaned before PCBA assembly.

2. The used brush should be kept cleanand it is forbidden to use it for other operations; when the brush is painted,be careful not to drip to the part that does not need to be painted; after use,the brush should be cleaned with thinner.

3. The coating layer should betransparent and cover the PCB board and components evenly, with uniform colorand consistency.

4. The process steps are: painting sideA → surface drying → painting side B → curing at room temperature.

5. Spraying thickness: sprayingthickness is 0.1mm—0.3mm (the dry film thickness is generally 30-100um).

6. All coating operations should becarried out under the conditions of not lower than 16℃ and relative humiditylower than 75%. PCB as a composite material will absorb moisture. If it is notremoved, the conformal paint cannot fully protect it. Pre-drying and vacuum dryingcan remove most of the moisture.

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