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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > Cautions for PCBA turnover    

Cautions for PCBA turnover

Hits:1  Add Date:2021/6/4

When PCBA is operated on the productionline, it should be handled with care, and it is forbidden to throw, hit orknock on the board.

   Note on PCBA turnover. Except for pallets, upper rack A2C000020363 andother appliances that can directly contact the ground, upper racks and relatedturnover appliances are not allowed to be placed directly on the ground, andneed to be placed on anti-static turnover appliances.

 When the PCBA adopts the upper plate rack turnover, the upper plate rackneeds to use the upper plate rack trolley for turnover. Note: The upper platerack can be stacked up to two layers; the upper upper plate rack is placeddirectly above the lower upper plate rack; it is strictly forbidden to put thelarge upper plate rack on the small upper plate rack; the upper plate rack ofthe same specification, light weight Place it on a heavy mass, and the edge ofthe upper plate frame shall not exceed the edge of the upper plate frame cart

When PCBA uses a turnover car for turnover,the brake should be stepped on when it is placed at rest. The distance betweentwo adjacent turnover cars (including the PCBA on the car) with PCBA is notless than 5011nm. When using a turnover car for PCBA turnover, the brakesshould be released. Avoid any possible collisions during the turnover process.

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