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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > Introduction of PCBA production process-DIP    

Introduction of PCBA production process-DIP

Hits:1  Add Date:2021/4/28

PCBA refers to the whole structureafter welding electronic components (including SMD chip element and dip plug-incomponent) on the basis of PCB bare board.

The production process of PCBA needs togo through many processes to complete production.

The production process of PCBA can bedivided into several major processes,

SMT chip processing → dip plug-inprocessing → PCBA test → Conformal Coating → finished product assembly.


This paper introduces the DIPplug-in process of PCBA


1. Plug in

The plug-in material is processed andinserted on the PCB board


2. Wave soldering

Solder the inserted board through thewave crest. In this process, liquid tin will be sprayed onto the PCB board, andfinally the soldering is completed by cooling.


3. Cutting feet

The pins of the welded board are toolong and need to be cut.


4. Post welding processing

Use electric soldering iron to weldcomponents by hand.


5. Washing board

After wave soldering, the board will bedirty, need to use washing water and washing tank for cleaning, or use machinefor cleaning.


6. Quality control

PCB board inspection, unqualifiedproducts need to be repaired, qualified products can enter the next process.

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