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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > Why do PCBA soldering need to use Wave soldering fixture    

Why do PCBA soldering need to use Wave soldering fixture

Hits:1  Add Date:2021/3/19

 The wavesoldering fixture is to protect the PCB tin surface patch components fromfalling (provided that the tin surface patch process is red glue), and the PCBred glue or solder paste process also depends on the particularity of thecomponents, simple For some of the chip resistors and capacitors, the red glueprocess can be used. Generally, the double-sided solder paste board must passthe wave soldering fixture, and the plug-in components can also be manuallysoldered. In fact, it can be determined according to the PCB process, becausethe labor is not cheap now, and it can be refined in many ways.


  ThePCB process determines whether the wave soldering fixture is needed: 1. Ifthere are special patch materials on the part surface, such as a dense pinchip, solder paste process is required. When the wave soldering is performed,the wave soldering fixture protection patch must be used The components willnot fall after the furnace. The wave soldering fixture is mainly to protect thecomponents from falling after the furnace. If some PCBs do not have specialcomponents, the red glue process can be used, which will save the money for thewave soldering fixture. The most important decision is based on the PCBproduction process. Whether to use the wave soldering fixture.

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