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Shenzhen Baiqiancheng Electronic Co.,Ltd.(BQC)
Address:No.343,Changfeng Road,Changzhen Community, Guangming New District,Shenzhen,Guangdong Province, China 518132
Company NewsNews > Company News > BQC has reached a certain boost in turnover    

BQC has reached a certain boost in turnover

Hits:1  Add Date:2021/1/22

Here is a piece of information toshare with you. In 2020, after a year of hard work, our turnover goal wasfinally reached and increased by 21.67%.


In response to COVID-19, there are currentlymany vaccines appearing. In 2021, we hope you all the best. At the sametime, 

we also hope that in 2021, we willhave the opportunity to cooperate with each other and create a fabulous 2021

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