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Test instructions for PCBA

Hits:1  Add Date:2021/1/8

PCBAtest refers to the PCBA board for IC burning, circuit on and off as well ascurrent, voltage, pressure and other aspects of the comprehensive test forshort. There are many uncontrollable factors in the production process of PCBA.PCBA testing is a key quality control link in the whole process of PCBAprocessing. It is necessary to strictly follow PCBA testing standards. Next, Iwould like to introduce the PCBA test instructions:

Atpresent, there are five main forms of PCBA testing: ICT testing, FCT testing,aging testing, fatigue testing, and testing under harsh environment 

Amongthem, ICT(In Circuit Test) mainly includes on-off, voltage and current values,fluctuation curves, amplitude, noise and other related Circuit tests.


FCT(FunctionalCircuit Test) requires IC program firing to simulate the function of the entirePCBA board, find the problems existing in hardware and software, and equipnecessary production jigs and Test racks to cooperate with the operation;

 BurnIn Test is mainly to electrize PCBA board and electronic products for a longtime, keep them working and observe whether there is any failure fault. Afterthe aging Test, electronic products can be mass-produced for sale, mainly for thepurpose of testing the life of the finished products. Fatigue test is mainly tosample PCBA board and carry out functional high-frequency and long-termoperation to observe whether product failure occurs. For example, clicking themouse for 100,000 times or turning on and off the LED lamp for 10,000 timescontinuously to test the probability of failure, so as to feedback the workingperformance of PCBA board in electronic products. 

Thetest under Severe Conditions is mainly to expose PCBA board to the workingenvironment with limit value. By adjusting temperature, humidity, falling,splashing and vibration, the test results of continuous operation of randomsamples are obtained, so as to infer the reliability of the whole batch of PCBAboard products.

Thefinal product after a series of PCBA tests, no problem PCBA board can beaffixed with a qualified label, finally can be packaged and shipped.

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