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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > SMT production/storage environment requirements:    

SMT production/storage environment requirements:

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/9/30

1. SMT ambient temperature is controlled at23 to 27

2. The humidity of SMT environment shouldbe controlled within 40%-zhi70%

3. SMT environmental dust-proofrequirements: dao all personnel entering the SMT workshop must wear staticclothes, static shoes and wear static caps to enter the workshop through theair shower door

4. SMT environment anti-staticrequirements: Class I electrostatic operation area, electrostatic controltarget <100V If the customer has special strict electrostatic controlrequirements, it will be classified as a level 0 electrostatic operation area,static control target <50V  and anti-static posted at the entrance of SMT Staticidentification.

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