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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > What are the advantages and disadvantages of SMT high-speed placement machine?    

What are the advantages and disadvantages of SMT high-speed placement machine?

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/9/25

The highefficiency of a large high-speed placement machine or a high-speed smallplacement machine for high-speed placement machines is very effective. In fact,we all know that if the equipment is in good condition, the relatively highoutput value must remain high for a long time. If it is an unstable device, nomatter how long the output is, it will not be good. If you are talking about astable device, only a small high-speed machine has the advantage. The initialinvestment to increase production is only the advantage of large equipment. Theconcept of two high-speed machines is a different concept. Choose moreequipment or complete according to actual production volume and productrequirements.

The high-speedplacement machine can be of any type. The structure is: turret type, compositetype and large parallel type. The range of installable parts is usually small.The installable parts are generally 0.4mm×0.2mm~24mm×24mm, and the height ofthe parts is generally the highest. It is 6.5 mm. Some high-speed heads can beinstalled at a height of 5mm X 5mm, and the height of the components can reach3mm. Conversely, placing large components will result in a slower placementspeed. The packaging of components usually only uses tape and bulk, but thereare also some high-speed placement machines that sacrifice speed in tube andtray loading.

The heads of manyhigh-speed placement machines can be installed at full speed when picking upand installing small components, but when picking up and installing largercomponents, the components will be picked up for identification. Calibrationand placement will reduce the production capacity of the machine. Usually, acertain placement machine accuracy and some functions are sacrificed to achievehigh-speed placement. The popular composite and parallel high-speed placementmachines have improved this defect well. When identifying components, theplacement head showed insufficient defects. If most of the components arecalibrated by identifying the form factor of the component, a comprehensiveinspection cannot be performed when placing large components.

All in all,although the high-speed placement machine achieves ultra-fast placement speedin placement technology, this is at the cost of placement accuracy andfunctionality. Therefore, high-speed placement machines have advantages butalso disadvantages. It is recommended that when buying a placement machine, itis best to choose a suitable placement machine according to the company's ownneeds.


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