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What process is needed for PCBA processing?

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/8/21

With the integration of PCBA productionend and the maturity of one-stop service mode. At present, many electronicproduct enterprises are willing to find a professional supplier who can producetheir own products completely. However, if PCBA customers do not fullyunderstand the whole outsourcing mode for the first time. Because I don'tunderstand, there will be misunderstanding. Next, I will give you a detailedanalysis of the whole process of PCBA processing.



1 Business communication. In fact, business communication is the sameas the previous SMT patch and PCB proofing separately, and it is definitelynecessary to conduct a business negotiation stage in the early stage. You'resure I need it. I'm sure you can. OK, next step.


2、 Evaluate the offer. Electronic products no doubt need to do somecommunication on the price of products, after all, both sides have a cost toevaluate. PCBA processing plant will evaluate the quotation according to thecustomer's BOM list and Gerber data. After confirmation, we can go to the nextstep without any problems.


3、 Customer orders. This process is how much customers need to doaccording to their own product market sales and the company's planned demand.How many goods should be prepared and how many orders should be placed with thePCBA manufacturer. On the contrary, SMT SMT will analyze and evaluate thecustomer's product delivery time according to its own scheduling status andproduction capacity to determine whether it can complete the order deliverytask within the time specified by the customer. Both parties can also acceptthe delivery date, or after coordination, determine it in the form of acontract. If it can, the next step.


4 Purchase of components. Because it is PCBA one-stop service, it isnecessary for factories to purchase electronic components. After the contractis signed, PCBA processing plant will purchase materials according to the BOMlist of customers.


5、 Incoming inspection. As a qualified PCBA processing plant, it is aroutine operation to inspect and seal the purchased materials. Because onlyqualified products can be used for production. Another special use of sealedsample preservation is to facilitate the customer to inspect the materialspurchased by the supplier. (of course, it's better not to happen. If ithappens, it means that there are batch problems in the components of theproduct. Rework is a small matter, and losing the trust of customers is a bigthing).


6 PCBA manufacturing stage. The whole stage is the most importantpart of process and process control in field operation. Solder paste mixing,solder paste printing, SPI solder paste detection, SMT chip processing, reflowfurnace temperature curve setting, AOI full inspection, dip plug-in wavesoldering, etc.


7、 PCBA test. Testing is a link that must be carried out after PCBAmanufacturing is completed, including burning, aging, functional testing and soon. Only through the test link specified by the customer's product, the productwith pass seal can enter the packaging process.


8、 Packaging and transportation. After the PCBA manufacturing test iscompleted, the packaging can be carried out after reaching the customer'sstandard and approval. There are general packaging and anti-static packaging.This needs to be evaluated according to the customer's product characteristics,and then the logistics link can be followed.


Basically, after sorting out the aboveeight links, we can see what links we need to coordinate with the company andsuppliers. After fully understanding, we can select PCBA suppliers. Of course,different companies may operate in different ways.

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