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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > Why more and more customers choose PCBA one-stop service    

Why more and more customers choose PCBA one-stop service

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/4/22

First of all: thecomponent sales channels are networked, and prices tend to be transparent.

At present, theentire sales network of components is actually available. Information can befound on any online model input. How much is it? Is it produced by thatmanufacturer? Is there any inventory? The whole process is actually verysimple. If the company is going to purchase by itself, someone still needs tounderstand and ask if the component supplier is genuine and when it can beshipped. However, the final product may be almost the same as the price of thesupplier. The end result is to spend more money and do the same thing. Ibelieve that every boss shares this feeling.

Second: risinglabor costs and reducing costs to deal with uncertainty.

In the face of theinstability of the current form, we can really feel that the order has notactually increased, and the corresponding decrease. With no increase in orders,there is certainly no possibility that the labor cost will be reduced now, sothe order will be reduced. If I can do things well within the cost range, thereis no need to spend more labor costs. The entire PCBA one-stop service caninclude the entire budget, the price can be controlled, and no otherexpenditure costs will occur. Reduce uncertainty.

Finally:professional things are handed over to a more professional team.

If it is said thatprofessional things are left to a more professional team to do, I believe thatthere must be no objection. Compared with the general scheme company, becausethere is no specific back-end production process, so the current price trend ofPCB circuit boards and components, SMT patch technology may not know much. ButPCBA manufacturers are intersecting these back-end processes every day. Whatkind of material is used in what industry, what kind of solder paste is used.The engineers on the PCBA processing plant are well aware. The most importantpoint is that there are many customers of PCBA manufacturers, and the demandfor component procurement is also very large. Correspondingly, they can reachthe terminal channel dealers more, so they will get more goods, the price willdefinitely be lower, and the quality will be more guaranteed. After all, theterminal channel dealer will not want to lose a big customer. If you buy from acompany, you may not be able to reach the minimum amount of others.



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