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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > DIP plug-in considerations    

DIP plug-in considerations

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/3/24

DIPplug-in post-welding processing is a process after SMT chip processing, and theprocessing process precautions are as follows:


1.Pre-processing of components

Thestaff of the pre-processing workshop picks up the materials from the BOMaccording to the BOM bill of materials, carefully checks the material model andspecifications, signs, and performs pre-processing according to the model(using automatic bulk capacitor shears, transistor automatic molding machine,fully automatic belt type Processing equipment such as molding machines).


The horizontal width of the adjusted component pin needs to be thesame as the width of the *** hole, and the tolerance is less than 5%;

The distance between the component pins and the PCB pads should notbe too large;

If the customer requests, the part needs to be formed to providemechanical support and prevent the pad from lifting.


2.Paste high-temperature adhesive tape, enter the board paste high-temperatureadhesive tape, and block the tin-plated through holes and components that mustbe soldered later;


3.DIP plug-in processing workers need to bring electrostatic rings, wearanti-static clothes and hats to prevent static electricity, and perform plug-inaccording to the component BOM list and component bit number diagram. Care mustbe taken when inserting the plug-in.


4.For the inserted components, check them, mainly check whether the componentsare inserted incorrectly or missed;


5.For the PCB board with no problems with the plug-in, the next step is wavesoldering. The wave soldering machine performs automatic soldering processing,which is a firm component.


6.Remove the high-temperature adhesive tape, and then check. In this step, themain inspection is to visually observe whether the soldered PCB board is weldedintact;


7.Repair and repair the PCBs that are found to be incompletely welded to preventproblems;


8.Post-welding, which is a process set for components with special requirements,because some components cannot be directly welded by wave soldering machinesaccording to the process and material limitations, and need to be completedmanually;


9.After all components are soldered to the PCB board, a functional test isperformed to test whether each function is normal. If a functional defect isdetected, repair and test processing is required.

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