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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > What is open die jig    

What is open die jig

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/3/17

1, diejig is the joint name of the mold and jig, because most of the products need tobe processed after the mold molding, this needs to be processed on the machine,and the machine needs to be jig, so in the evaluation of production of aproduct needs to evaluate how much die jig needs to be done, the name fromthis.


2, mold,industrial production for injection, blow molding, extrusion, die-casting orforging molding, smelting, stamping and other methods to obtain the requiredproducts of various molds and tools. In short, a mold is a tool used to form anobject. The tool is made up of various parts. Different molds are made up ofdifferent parts. It mainly through the physical state of the material to achievethe shape of the processing. Known as the "mother of industry" title.


A toolfor making a blank into a piece of a particular shape and size under the actionof external forces. Widely used in blanking, die forging, cold heading,extrusion, powder metallurgy parts pressing, pressure casting, as well asengineering plastics, rubber, ceramics and other products pressing or injectionmolding. The mold has a specific contour or cavity shape, the application ofthe contour shape with a cutting edge can make the blank according to thecontour line


Separationoccurs (blanking). The corresponding solid shape can be obtained by using theinner cavity shape. The mold generally includes moving die and fixed die (orpunch and die) two parts, the two can be divided and closed. Take out the partswhen they are separated, and fill the blank into the mold cavity when they areclosed. Die is a precision tool, the shape is complex, bear the billetexpansion force, to the structural strength, stiffness, surface hardness, surfaceroughness and machining precision are high requirements, die productiondevelopment level is one of the important signs of the level of mechanicalmanufacturing.

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