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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > What is the stamping ?    

What is the stamping ?

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/3/2

The stamping process is a metal processing method. It is based on the plastic deformation of the metal. The die and stamping equipment are used to apply pressure to the sheet to plastically deform or separate the sheet to obtain a certain shape, size and performance. Parts (stamped parts).

The stamping process occupies an important position in the manufacturing process of automobile bodies, especially the large-scale cover parts of automobile bodies, because most of them have complex shapes, large structural sizes, and some are still curved surfaces, and the surface quality is high. Making these parts is unmatched by other machining methods. Almost all of the truck's cab, front sheet metal parts, cargo plate, various body cover parts of passenger cars and various skeletons of passenger cars are made by stamping.

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