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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > PCB/PCBA and related auxiliary material test items generally have the following items:    

PCB/PCBA and related auxiliary material test items generally have the following items:

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/10/30

Typical environmental test of plate components: temperature shock, rapidtemperature change, condensation, mechanical shock, mechanical vibration, hightemperature and high humidity, etc.;

Non-destructive testing analysis: X-ray fluoroscopy, high-resolution CTimaging, acoustic scanning microscope, infrared thermal imaging, etc.;

Electrical performance testing: surface insulation resistance (SIR),volume resistivity, breakdown strength, dielectric strength, etc.;

Welding quality and mechanical performance analysis: chip clipper, bondingtape tension, cutting board/reflow stress and strain analysis, dyeing andpenetration, etc.;

Slicing and sample preparation of plate components: automatic cutting,grinding, polishing, micro-etching, etc.;

Solder joint defect detection: stereo microscope, metallographicmicroscope, large depth of field microscope, scanning electron microscope,etc.;

Assembly material composition detection: EDX, AES, secondary ion massspectrometry SIMS, infrared spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry;

Cleanliness detection: ion chromatography, conductivity equivalent method,etc.

Thermomechanical performance analysis: differential scanning calorimetry,thermogravimetric analysis, thermal stress test, hot oil test, etc.

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