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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > What are the criteria for the selection of capacitor materials?    

What are the criteria for the selection of capacitor materials?

Hits:1  Add Date:2020/10/22

The capacitor is the basic component du of the electronic system, and is the basic unit of the circuit that can complete the predetermined function and cannot be divided

Due to the number and variety of capacitors, their performance, reliability and other parameters have a great impact on the system performance, reliability, life cycle and other technical indicators of the entire electronic product
However, failure analysis data at home and abroad show that nearly half of the component failures are not due to the inherent low reliability of the components, but due to the improper selection or incorrect use of components
Therefore, in order to ensure the reliability of electronic products, the selection and application of capacitors must be strictly controlled

The selected devices follow the company's normalization principle. Under thepremise of not affecting function and reliability, choose as few materials aspossible

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