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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > PCBA ICT test    


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                                                                                     PCBA ICT test
In-Circuit-Tester is an automatic online tester. It is a test equipment produced by Printed-Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) for modern electronics companies. It has a wide range of ICT applications and high measurement accuracy. The problem indication is clear, and even the average electronics worker can easily handle the problematic PCBA. The use of ICT can greatly improve production efficiency and reduce production costs.

ICT Test is mainly to test the contact points of the PCB layout to test the open circuit, short circuit, and welding of all parts of the PCBA. It can be divided into open circuit test, short circuit test, resistance test, capacitance test, diode test, triode test, Field-effect tube test, IC pin test (testjet` connect check) and other common and special components are missing, wrongly installed, parameter value deviation, solder joint continuous welding, circuit board open and short and other faults, and which is the fault The exact point at which a component or open-short is located tells the user exactly.

Definition On-line testing, ICT, In-Circuit Test, is a standard test method for inspecting manufacturing defects and defective components by testing the electrical properties and electrical connections of online components. It mainly checks the single components on the line and the open and short circuit of each circuit network. It has the characteristics of simple, fast and accurate fault location. A component-level test method used to test each component on an assembled circuit board

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